Celebrating 50 years as Belize

Picture of Michelle

Certified Belize Specialist

June 2023 denoted the commemoration of Belize’s name change. Fifty years ago “British Honduras” was changed to Belize. The name change was made primarily to assert its own identity and to create distance from its colonial past. 

A desire for self-determination

In the mid-20th century there was a growing sense of nationalism and a desire for self-determination among the people of British Honduras. The country had been a British colony since the 19th century and the name “British Honduras” reflected its status as British territory. As the country progressed towards independence there was a need to establish a new national identity. 

National Identity

The new name aimed to strengthen the country’s claims to its territory, including a longstanding territorial dispute with neighboring Guatemala. By adopting the name “Belize,” the country asserted its distinct national identity and sovereignty over its lands and waters. The process of changing the name began in the early 1970s. On June 1, 1973 the country officially became known as Belize. This change was accompanied by the adoption of a new constitution and paved the way for Belize to gain full independence from Britain on September 21, 1981. 

Where Did The Name Belize Come From?

Upon doing research I learned no one really knows where the word “Belize” derived from. In Spanish Belize is known as “Belice”. In the Mayan language, “Balix” means “muddy waters” — a reference to the Belize River. Based on this information,  it is possible the word “Belize” derived from “Balix” as the Maya were the original inhabitants of Belize.

Image source: Hon. John Briceno

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